Sunday, June 8, 2008

More Views

New walkway.
Walkway on side of cabin.
Side View.
Side door.
View from the neighbor's.


Clark said...

Can I be the first person to skateboard down that walkway... that looks like fun. I also want to see how the steps are on a sled.

Clark said...

How far in advance do we need to make reservations... I think we should do a father and son golf trip. I think Beck would be good at golf ball hunting as well... whenever he sees a ball his eyes light up and he says "baaaallllll".

Tylershark said...

As far as the skateboarding and sledding, go ahead, knock yourself out.

In terms of reservations, the cabin will pretty much be first come first serve. If someone in the family wants to use it and it's vacant, then it's theirs.

I think a father and son golf trip would be fun. Also, I want to try out my river hiking shoes in the creek and attempt to break the golf ball hunting record. Are you in?